Goths, like all humans, are also looking for love. The difference, if anything, is that they factor in disappointment. History and literature are full of unrequited, forbidden and doomed loves.
Courtly love was born in the fourteenth century, modeled on the feudal relationships between a knight and his lord: relationships that imposed the same obedience and loyalty on the knight towards his lady, although in reality it could happen that the lady did not even know of the existence of she. Such love ennobled the knight and inspired great deeds to deserve the platonic love of the lady.
At the time, everyone understood that courtly love was idealized and not applicable to real life. It could have been just right for the younger brothers of the gentleman on duty: not being able to access the family patrimony, they could not get married, and they limited themselves to sighing. In modern times, unrequited love only brings disappointments and unpleasant depressions.
Goth-fetish is distinguished from fetish by the greater presence of sex. Fetish is erotic, but not necessarily sexual. Clients of a professional dominatrix usually come to her for pain and humiliation, and they don't have sex with her. For goths, sexless fetish is like a moonless night.
The tradition of wearing a white dress was inaugurated by Queen Victoria on her marriage to Prince Albert. Previously, a woman wore the best dress she had. Goths don't do anything strange if they marry in black: they simply restore the old tradition: what is their fault if their best clothes are that colour? And if you really want to buy a brand new dress, there are clothing stores that specialize in goth weddings.
Of the goths' favorite pets, the most common is still the cat. Black, of course. Equally loved panthers, skunks, mice, wolves, crows, crows and bats.
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